

OnCourt OffCourt is one of the world’s top creative resources for training aids and equipment for tennis, pickleball, fitness, yoga and more. We are a family-owned company and have been serving customers for more than 30 years. 

OnCourt OffCourt founder Joe Dinoffer is a Master Professional in both the USPTA and PTR. He has conducted clinics in over 50 different countries, author and editor of 9 books, and winner of the Dallas Tennis Association 2019 Humanitarian Award. 

Today, Joe's daughter Kalindi Dinoffer continues the family legacy and serves as the Chief Marketing Officer for the company along with a dedicated and outstanding team based in Dallas, Texas. 

Read below if you'd like to learn a little more about our history from Kalindi...

My dad, Joe Dinoffer, started the company when I was very little – as an only child you could almost say that OnCourt OffCourt is my twin! I’m 31 and the company will be entering it’s 31st year in business. All thanks to game changers like you!

My dad was a tennis coach and he was passionate about helping his students learn. So much so that I realized that him just talking didn’t quite cut it and he was always looking for new ways to help bridge the gap with his students through integrating visual and kinesthetic learning. 

That’s how the first OnCourt OffCourt training aid was born - the Ropezone! It was all about visual learning and target zones. Since then, we've branched out to offer a wide variety of target systems - not to mention many more kinesthetic learning aids and all types of equipment and tools to support you on and off the court whether you’re a coach, player or parent. 

But back to the Ropezone! 

My dad knew that it wasn’t enough to offer a product without education (what he was really passionate about) so he also wrote a small drill book that accompanied every Ropezone. Little did he know, that on that day, OnCourt OffCourt was born literally in our living room! 

And yes some of you may have seen me grow up as the little girl on the catalogs and in my dad’s DVDs. These days, when I’m not chatting with awesome customers and members of our game changing family like you, I’m working on my mindfulness blog (, practicing or teaching yoga, or out in nature (writing poetry is also a hobby my dad and I both share – you can check out his work here (

We’ve grown a lot since then from living room packaging and teenage accountants (boy could I tell you some funny stories about what happens when you add one zero too many to an order of zballs! But I’ll save that for another day…) to now having our very own office and warehouse (not to mention also getting into pickleball and off court wellness) but we will always stay a family business at heart and in action. Customer service is of the utmost importance to us – we will always treat you how we'd like to be treated ourselves.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at anytime! Questions, ideas, feedback - we'd love to hear from you, our amazing family of game changers!